Blood Milk Jewels
Time is a Ghost. Necklace.
Blood Milk Jewels
Time is a Ghost. Necklace.
We are pleased to offer the first jewel in a new line based on Art Nouveau design, featuring a pendant inspired by a piece of jewelry from 1900, married to the planchette: a long time symbol of BloodMilk since I first began casting jewelry over fifteen years ago. Crafted in all sterling silver, the silver oval 'gemstone' is a also a throwback to some of my earliest jewels.
The planchette was invented pre- Spirit board, in Paris in the 1850’s during the height of the Spiritualist era. Used as a means of automatic writing, they were much larger than today’s plastic ‘toy’ version. It was composed of a heart shaped piece of wood with a hole for a pencil at its point. Wheels enabled it to move the pencil around to write out messages channelled from beyond via a Medium ( or group of people at a Séance ) whose hands rested lightly on the planchette. Though hands were placed on the planchette, it was considered to be involuntary movement, movement by the spirits or some other unknowable force that caused the planchette to move around over paper, writing out messages from the spirit world.
The planchette was also utilized as a conduit for automatic writing ( i.e. morning pages ) and was used as a way to access one’s unconscious. The surrealists employed this method to mine their unconscious for ideas to generate new works of art. In this way, I also view the planchette as a symbol of creativity, assisting the break throughs of creative blocks of all sorts.
The planchette became an important symbol to me after I experienced the sudden and intense loss of a family member. I began to think about what it meant to continue a relationship with the dead, how those who are gone from our physical lives can still be a comfort or a guiding influence to those still living. This loss began my personal investigation into the afterlife, and as many years have now passed, I would consider these initial queries to represent an interest in ancestor worship.
As a talismanic companion, this jewel can be used as a balm for grief or creative endeavors. Double sided, its tactile surfaces can be used to help anchor the wearer in times of anxiety or day dreaming.
*Details* :
- 54 mm Tall
- 30 mm wide
- Solid Sterling Silver and double sided
- Both pendant and chain are hand oxidized to achieve our favorite shade of stormy gray and then highlighted to reveal the bright luminous silver beneath
- Seen on Miguel on an 18 inch chain
This jewel is handmade to order, just for you, with care and focus. Please allow approximately 6-8 weeks for creation before shipping.
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