
Blood Milk Jewels

Morgana. Silver Sheen Obsidian Ritual Strand. *Limited*


Blood Milk Jewels

Morgana. Silver Sheen Obsidian Ritual Strand. *Limited*


Sold out

IMPORTANT: This strand is limited and we do not know if it will be available again in the future. We recommend Express Shipping with signature required upon delivery to help ensure its safe delivery.

A delicate strand of luminous Silver Sheen Obsidian beads in a unique faceted shape are paired with sterling silver hollow "pearls". This design, while simple, is ideal for meditation, prayer & other moments of concentrated thought ~ slide your fingers each bead to mark time or for grounding.  This strand layers perfectly with other necklaces due to its slim profile. 

Morgana is named after our own Jen Von Haunt's much beloved Sphynx cat. She also shares a name with Morgan le Fay, enchantress of The Legend of King Arthur. Throughout history, she has been bestowed with the characteristics of moral ambiguity, appearing at times to be benevolent ( the healer ) as well as a villain bent on usurping her brother Arthur's throne. In all accounts of her however, she remains otherworldly and powerful, teeming with magic.

The Cat:

Cats occupy a liminal space between worlds. In fairytales they have acted as psychopomps and have long been associated with the spirit world. Anyone who has lived with a cat knows they can oscillate wildly between calmness and fierceness and are never really ‘owned’ by any human.

“Cats can mediate reunion with the instinctual native soil from which many of us have been uprooted. With their exact sense of spatial orientation, they can show us how to locate ourselves in the here and now, to learn to hunt within the psyche’s darkness for the hidden parts of ourselves and carry them out, unapologetically, into waking day” – The Book of Symbols (Taschen)

Silver Sheen Obsidian:

Silver Sheen Obsidian is a natural stone made of polished volcanic glass from Mexico. These beads are dark in color but have beautiful flashes of silver when turned, that resemble the moon going through her many phases, or tiny galaxies teeming with space dust. 

Please keep in mind that these beads are ‘earth made’ and then each one is hand cut and hand formed. You will see the earth’s inclusions inside and outside each sphere. Nothing is imperfect to me. I see evidence of a jeweler’s or a stone cutter’s hand and I think of Rodin, and how his sculptures included the evidence of his hands - from a hundred plus years ago - and how that connects me and my team, to this lineage of hand-making, in a time when machinated ‘perfect’ work is becoming more and more normalized. I am trying to resist this idea of ‘perfection’, and I implore the same of you. These are all hand made, and earth made beautiful objects, so inherently, by today’s standards, they are ‘imperfect’ - because humans had their hands, and more importantly, their hearts on them.

The photographs accurately portray the quality of the stones and the cuts. 

This strand measures approximately 32.5 inches long from end to end. At its closure is our is our smallest protective Eye clasp, cast in sterling silver, oxidized to our favorite gloomy grey and finished to highlight the shining silver beneath.  

This clasp is tactile in nature making it easily held between the tips of your fingers and rubbed for comfort in times of grief, anxiety, dissociation, as well as during moments of joy and wonder.  


Please visit our POLICY PAGE to make an educated and informed purchase HERE

Some of the beads used in this strand are limited. We can not anticipate whether or not this particular style will be available again after this release. 

*Length note: Because individual bead measurements vary slightly, total strand lengths are approximate within a few millimeters in either direction. Please reach out via email if you have any questions about this. 

This strand is handmade to order, just for you. Please allow approximately 6 - 8 weeks for creation before shipping.

Please email: bloodmilkjewels@gmail.com with any questions and we will get back to you in a kind and timely manner.